Customized personal web pages for your brand
- I just saw another similar project and say welp can I make it in a weekend ? and here we are
- tbh I like it, the design looks quite meh but I need to get design critiques ASSAAAP to get good
- will do after I have 3 projects on my portfolio
- btw AstroJS is good ngl
- again I regret not using typescriot
- and also graphql probably ? cuz it’s like the typescript of json
- since I had to validate shcemas by myself on the backend API
- the API is also written in Astro
- what was more annoying is handling API’s server failure and errors
- and also input validation/limit
- guess I’ll write a solid/astrojs based library just for that
- supabse is just so good tho, everything is handled by it
- but I still have too many skill issues
- and obviously I’m to write my own auth hehe
- don’t care about Don’t Reinvent The Wheel BS
- and I’ve used to host it idk but sometimes it’s just tooooooo slow
- guess I’ll need another free alternative